Data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis. The type of questionnaire used type of questionnaire enclosed with the form of rating scale. To obtain the data necessary data collection techniques used in the form of a questionnaire. The sampling technique using total sampling. This research is a descriptive study with a sample of students of Biology is the fifth semester of the school year 2015/2016 totaling 19 people in Biology Education Program UMMY Solok which has made the learning process by using the Guided Training Methods In Learning Course Development Biology Program at UMMY Solok. And I want to know how students' perceptions of learning by using Method Exercise Course Guided in Education Program Development Biology Subject at UMMY Solok. Therefore perform the process of learning by doing method of guided exercises. Based on the monitoring results of Field Education students still can not make a good learning plan with them also complained of a given task so that they need guidance in the completion of the task. This course is intended to provide supplies for students as prospective teachers so that later on the activities of Field Education or at the time of becoming a teacher of their own competence in making the learning plan. The ability to plan learning began in studied by prospective teachers in the university level biology courses Learning Program Development Biology. It can be concluded that the end of the senior high school biology olympiadquestions at West Sumatera, Riau, Jambi, and Bengkulu in 2018 through the 4.0 version of Anates program not meet both criteria.Lessons are well planned by the teacher will provide good results as well.

Based on the results of data analysis, the result for the review of aspects : 1) the validity of the content 52.5% are invalid matter, 2) reliability, the test has a value of 0.6 belong to the category enough, 3) the level of difficulty, 1,6% classified as very easy matter, 1,6% easy, 36.6% about the medium, 41,6% about the difficult, and 18.3% about the very difficult, 4) different power, 65% of matter which is classified as very bad, 28.5% about the relatively ugly, 6.6% about enough, and 0% items good, 5) function options, for options that are not qualified humbug is 36.6% and the quality is 63,3%.

Quantitative analysis was performed by using Anates, while for the qualitative analysis carried out by the study table.

The sample was a set of biology olimpic question for senior high school year 2018/209 in West Sumatera, Riau, Jambi, and Bengkulu. The aim of this study to determine the quality of items in terms of analysis : 1) the validity of content and empirical, 2) reliability, 3) level of difficulty, 4) distinguishing features, and 5) the function of detractors.